The Three Whisperers are well… whispering.
Are they women or men? What are they whispering about? Are they praying? Invoking some forces to help them… to help us? I let you decide.
One mouth for the Three of them. As they are so fusing during their incantation only one mouth speaks the thoughts of all.
Somehow they intrigues me...
I had fun today making 4 pieces out of a fractured drawing. Each piece looks like an abstract and gets its meaning as part of the whole. I kinda like the idea of joining a 'whole' to get the meaning of one. I like the idea very much. I will post later the four pieces mounted on frame and close to each other on a wall to unveil the whole Face III. Can't wait!
Today I wanted to make the gutta more part of the whole instead of just a way to separate. So I used a homemade way to make bigger strokes. The irregular strokes seem to give a tribal feel to it; it was not my intention though.
Here is the same work once dried.
Always surprised by the color and the texture changes, I prefer it slightly lighter here and for now I won't re-dye it.
Minor modifications from the drawings.
A lot of choices. Connecting shapes or letting the observer finds and feels.
The work has been photographed wet -- as usual-- I might tomorrow include on the same post a dry pic.
Second drawing that could fit and join the Face Serie.
It is always funny to look at a drawing because it is very 'neutral' but as soon as the colors punch in, it gives the life and personality of the object represented. What do you think?
Thinking…. Drawing…. Thinking…. No it is not the title of the drawing above!
I've been painting or more precisely dying (as using dyes) for few days now and I missed the research/drawing/creating process. Now that the Psychedelic Cat Serie is over, it's time to get on a new theme… Hmmmm…. Not sure on the direction yet….
If you feel like it, please vote on this project and express your feeling!
I love your comments as always.
Here is what the picture that inspired me for the 'faces'. It is very interesting to notice that some objects have a way to suggest.
What is a better approach to the world than a different angle of observation? That's what cats are all about. This is the second to last Psychedelic Cat Serie. One more drawing to bring to life tomorrow and I will move on to another topic…
Here is the Psychedelic Cat Serie. They are all here trying to squeeze in the picture. All those cats have been a real pleasure to work on.
I decided to work on a second version of this one first to control all the flaws that I encountered on the previous work.
Also I would like to be more familiar with this range of colors. So comfortable in the yellow, orange, and red and so not comfortable with the cold colors. Not sure I feel more comfortable now but I guess, it is a process.
I feel silly to realize the Psychedelic Cat Serie is coming to an end soon. Four more drawings are waiting to be put to life.
Those cats try to put their best on to be chosen. Different shapes, different colors convey a different personality for each of them: strong character, food oriented, unusual beauty, daydreamer, and the wonderer. I have to confess… I like them all! Which one do you prefer?
The first picture is against the window with the sun shining true. I like it. It throughs some mystic atmosphere in the room as a church stain-glass.
I missed painting yesterday and I feel so much better now that I have plenty of dye stains on my hands.
I am not so happy with this one but it is my fault.
I chose a thicker fabric for a change and the gutta didn't hold its word. I knew it. I read about it but I wanted to 'touch' it for real and experiment. Experimenting is a lot of fun and…. disappointments. A lot of 'repairs' with acrylic so the adventure brought me today in a mixed media type of work.
Learning day… just a learning day.. not a victorious day!